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@LimeLightWired Empowers the Future of Stage Lighting with Exciting Online Courses

@LimeLightWired is thrilled to announce an electrifying lineup of online courses for professionals studying lighting for theatre, concerts, and any facet of live event production. Designed with a casual and creative tone that speaks directly to the ambitious minds of young artists, these courses are set to nurture a passion for the art of event production.

Introduction To Production

Step into the captivating world of stage lighting with our course, Introduction to Production. From the flickering flames of ancient torches to the cutting-edge technologies of modern lighting systems, we'll take you on a crash course through the evolution of stage lighting.

Unveil the secrets behind the Par Can, the workhorse of the lighting world, and discover the artistry of the Ellipsoidal and other captivating fixtures that shape the stage. But we won't stop there. Learn to decipher a lighting plot like a pro, master the art of hanging and focusing, and get familiar with haze, lasers, and other special effects commonly used.

Designing w/ Light 101

Dive deep into the fascinating world of understanding light in Designing w/ Light 101, where light becomes your paintbrush, and the stage becomes your canvas. Unlock the mysteries of color theory, the pros & cons of additive and subtractive color mixing, and master color temperature and color rendering. We'll also spotlight how LEDs have revolutionized the game, opening up a world of endless possibilities for lighting designers like you.

But what's the point of all this knowledge without a purpose? We'll guide you through the essential design objectives to elevate your lighting approach. From deciphering the elusive concept of "mood" lighting to understanding the importance of context and composition, we'll equip you with the tools to tell compelling stories through light.

Lighting Consoles & Networking Basics

In Lighting Consoles & Networking Basics, we cover all things lighting control, starting by tracing the rise of DMX as the industry standard up to the digitization of stage lighting. Next, we'll delve into the modern landscape of lighting consoles, unveiling the different types available and their unique features. From PC based consoles to multi-console networking, we'll equip you with the knowledge to navigate the vast sea of options and choose the console that best suits your needs.

But what about DMX512, control, and networking? Fear not! We'll guide you through the intricacies of DMX512 and the control path, demystify DMX hardware, and introduce you to protocols like Art-Net, sACN, wDMX, and other networking essentials. Of course, no journey through lighting consoles would be complete without understanding patching and console configuration. Learn how to naviagte fixture profiles, patch fixtures to your console, and configure the intricate relationship between your fixtures and the console.

So You Want To Be A Programmer?

Jump into the programming world with an introduction to the art and science of programming itself in So You Want to Be a Programmer. Understand the programming process, grasp the basics of DMX, and get to know fixtures inside and out.

Next, we'll equip you with an arsenal of programming tools to set you on the path to greatness. Discover how to organize fixtures using channels and groups, and harness the power of palettes and presets. Unleash the magic of effects and macros in order to enhance your programming efficiency.

Recording and playback are the bread and butter of programming, and we'll guide you through every step. From recording cues and playbacks to understanding cue lists and timing basics, you'll be able think through delivering the perfect looks. Finish up learning the ins and outs of tracking, the world of timecode, and other advanced concepts.

Principle, Not Syntax

An important consideration is that, while we use different console procedures as examples, these programming courses are not developed to teach you console syntax. Instead, they teach the fundamental principles all consoles are developed on so you can quickly approach any desk and get navigating quickly.

Summer School 2023

Each course costs $30, and you can get $10 off with Promo Code LLWSUMMERSCHOOL for a limited time.

Each course includes sources, further reading, and a comprehension quiz. Upon completion users receive $5 promotion off their next course.


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